вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.


3 Fireplace Talk questions for couples

The reason we keep connected to each other on the fundamental level is that we like to discuss fundamental topics. We call it the Fireplace Talks.
With my husband we are now together for 5 years. It has been a beautiful fulfilling time and one of the strong elements of our relationship is that we connect at the core of our personalities. We try to learn about each other and learn how to improve the way we support each other. 
Maybe that’s why we are actually happy for our differences rather than complaining about it. Maybe that’s why little every-day “conflicts” are easy to sort out for us as we don’t look only at the tip of the iceberg of the partner’s personality. 
Our first date took place during a conference in Istanbul and we finished a bottle of Palinka. For hours, (until we both were able to speak) the topic was Personal Values. I remember how amazed I was about the values and reasons for the values of my (now) husband. The values were totally different than mine and I felt huge respect for him.
That was our first fundamental talk and ever since we do talks similar to this every now and then as often as one of us feels like reconnecting to the other on deep emotional level or needs to sort out some current life dilemmas. 
The questions that we asked each other during our first Fireplace Talk:
1) What are your life values? What do you believe in?
2) Why do you keep and believe in exactly these principles?
3) What part of your life story influenced the formation of these values?
To have such a talk with your partner, make sure both of you are up to it, relaxed, pick calm evening and play some chillax music. We usually open some good wine and sit by the fireplace (the reason we call it the Fireplace Talks).
If you try talking about these questions, please let me know if it made you more connected and learn about your partner, if you had a nice evening talk.
I’m thinking to share more discussion questions for couples from our Fireplace Talks in my next posts if this one is helpful to anybody so please comment/share/like to provide me some feedback :)

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