понедельник, 29 сентября 2014 г.


The psychology of entrepreneurship

Do you have an idea? Do you want something to do?
We have a perfectionists culture, where we are always not ready yet. There is a tiny percentage of people who are really perfectionists, the overwhelming majority are cowards.

Just start doing it!

There is this thing called writers block. Whenever you are stuck with it, they teach you to lower your standards for what you are expecting of yourself. We say to ourselves — I can never get it wrong, never screw up.

Most of what you will do will fall flat. Not some, most.

You have to be prepared for that. We have this ‘why me’ menality. Realize that people around you screw the same as you. And successful people screw twenty times more than you! The majority of time you will fall flat, so don’t take it personally.

Have several plates spinning!

If you have too many plates spinning, you spread yourself too thin. But allow yourself have more options, cause you do not know which will produce itself.
In the beginning take every opportunity seriously: if someone wants to meet you — go and meet! Later you will select what to do, but not in the beginning.
Often people don’t do something even if they are excited about an opportunity, that’s because they have a switch in the mind: what’s the point, I won’t make it cause everyone wants that.
What what is a thinnest slice, first little thing that I can do in order to get there? The concept of layering: make it done, don’t worry a big issue ahead of you!
Have the radar on: who is important for me to meet in business?

Don’t wait, create your opportunities!

To keep the spinning plates within you are doing something. Not divide the focus, keep it within the focus that you are trying to do.

We are not just selling the product, but we are selling ourselves.

Avoiding sales is avoiding of activity. We are not just selling the product, but we are selling ourselves. It is the most important thing we can ever learn. What is important in selling ourselves:
  1. Being passionate about what you are selling, your product;
  2. You cannot be afraid to break rapport (=good relationship), in other words, if you will be afraid to step on people’s toes, you won’t be able to truly sell yourself;
  3. Speak with authority on the subject that you are talking about; uncertainty makes you less unattractive. No, not pretend, have curious certainty;
  4. When you are passionate about something, you can be shameless.
What a person that is right ahead of you doing better? Don’t try to model/get a person that is far ahead!

Why entrepreneurs are successful?

  1. They are very persuasive and can sell themselves extremely good;
  2. Have high pressure threshold (no ups and downs!), be careful with emotions, cause they will be the most messed up with. Be emotionally lean! Do not crumble. Learn to deal with the emotional crap;
  3. Stamina: if they don’t get something today, they will continue doing it tomorrow and the week after even if stuff goes wrong;
  4. You have to believe that if you work, you will get the result, to believe that you will get it through and get what you deserve; if you work hard you will be rewarded;
  5. To be little bit mental, crazy. Not necessary nuts in front of people, but somewhere inside. To keep going through rejections.

Become successful in something!

It is ok to switch the branches, but first build credibility in one area.
Being an entrepreneur in no harder than to work on someone. In the beginning it is a fear and panic that drives you and make you start something, later the pleasure that you succeed.

essence of Matthew Hussey’s speech

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