четверг, 1 августа 2013 г.


Live A Life Of Passion

Is passion something you must have in life to be successful? Yes and No. Passion is something I believe most people want; and frankly, I believe most people have. The problem is, we don’t pursue our passion. Your passion is something you have very strong feelings and emotions about. When you love what you do, your passion for it comes through.
When we think about passion, it is often associated with a relationship or a career. A man and woman have a passionate relationship – deep love. He brings her roses, rubs her feet, and brings her gifts when it’s not a special day. A person who is passionate about their career excels far above the rest in their pursuits. They get promoted, become trainers, mentors and leaders, ceo and president.
Listen to the powerful teaching in the video on passion. T.D. Jakes says that you must have purpose to pursue your passion.

What Is Your Passion?

Find your passion within your heart and write it down!
Find your passion within your heart and write it down!
Source: Pixomar
Source: Stuart Miles
Source: Stuart Miles
Source: imagerymajestic

Do You Need Passion
Is passion necessary for life and living? No, but it is necessary for abetter life. Do you want to just exist or do you want to enjoy your life?
Now for the unveiling of the list ofTen Characteristics of the Passionate:
  1. Expressive.
  2. Focused.
  3. Independent Thinker.
  4. Learner.
  5. Love their job/work.
  6. Perseverance.
  7. Productive.
  8. Risk-taker.
  9. Skillful.
  10. Strong-willed.
Statements About Passion:
Passion creates excellence when mediocrity will do. Passion makes you laugh, when you feel like crying. Passion makes you open your mouth and proclaim something, when a whisper will do. Passion allows you to sit still, when you feel like walking away. Passion makes you close your mouth, when you want to talk. Passion will cause you to break a record, when finishing the race will do. Passion will make you stay up all night long, when you want to sleep. Passion will cause you to love, when you would rather hate.
Observing passionate people is very uplifting and exciting. I have had the opportunity of working with some very passionate individuals, and have first-hand information for you. They are driven by goals, and are result-oriented. They don’t let anything stop them. They have a “will to find a way” attitude. They don’t accept “no” for an answer. If you need a job done with excellence, find the passionate individual on your team.
I have also had the privilege of working with the not so passionate. They are the opposite of the passionate. They find excuses for not doing their job. They are slothful, and lack motivation.
Passion Explored
Is Lack of Passion an Indicator of Something Gone Wrong? Passion is a sign that you are where you are supposed to be. If you lack passion, re-evaluate your position(s) in life. Apply this rule to every area of your life.
Cure for lack of passion. Here are some simple quick fixes for lack of passion. Take a break. Take a time-out. Ask for help or assistance.
Cure for lack of passion – long-term fixes. Change your life. This might mean: Changing jobs, changing churches, changing your relationships, changing locations and/or changing your habits.
Where Does Passion Come From?
I believe that passion comes from the inner desires of our heart. Passion comes from our belief and value system, which, in turn, creates a purpose for our very existence. A desire is something that you long to see or have happen. On the inside, we are hard-wired with desire. I’m not just talking about a desire for ice cream, chocolate cake or playing some sort of game. I speak of desire that affects your surroundings, not just you. I mean, a desire to cause change to happen. As I write on HupPages, I have a desire to make a difference in people’s lives through writing and being a part of this forum. It’s in my heart. I cannot fully explain it, but there is something on the inside of me that wants you to come to the realization that you matter.
Use Passion Everyday
Passion can’t be bought or sold. You won’t find it in a bottle, nor packaged in gift-wrap. No one can give passion to you. You must find passion within you, and use it to your benefit. Whatever your thoughts are about you; something you have been thinking about doing, see yourself doing it. A friend said it this way, “follow your inner thoughts”.
“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you can not put your heart in it, take yourself out of it."
In order to pursue your passion, it helps to have a vision...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2 King James Version.
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